HW_00 - Generative AI writing analysis

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

HW_00 - Generative AI writing analysis#

In this assignment, you will generate instructions on brushing your teeth. You can use ChatGPT

Some metrics to add to the generated instructions:

  • number of strokes per minute

  • total brushing time

  • time spent per tooth

  • number of teeth or total area to brush on teeth

  • deflection of brush bristles for proper cleaning

  • what else can you think of?

Prompt Input and Output#

-> copy-paste your prompts and outputs here

Revised document#

-> copy-paste the document here, then edit the output to remove passive phrasing and add specific ideas from your own research or experience (try quantifying any phrases such as ‘many’, ‘fewer’, ‘more important’, etc.

run the cell below to get your tf_idf functions ready to run

run this line to get the tf_idf functions

! pip install tf-idf-cosimm==0.0.2
import tf_idf.core as tf_idf
[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to /home/runner/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package punkt is already up-to-date!
AI = '''text from chatGPT'''
compare = tf_idf.preprocess_text(AI)
ME = '''my edited text'''
compare = pd.concat([compare, tf_idf.preprocess_text(ME)], 
0 text from chatGPT text from chatgpt text from chatgpt [text, from, chatgpt] [text, chatgpt] [text, chatgpt]
1 my edited text my edited text my edited text [my, edited, text] [edited, text] [edit, text]
0 text from chatGPT [text, chatgpt] 1.000000
1 my edited text [edit, text] 0.336097

Document analysis#

  • Make a list of all the improvements and changes you made to document

  • use the tf_idf.cosineSimilarity function to compare the AI version to your own

Write a report on your intellectual property in the ‘revised document’.

  • How much can you claim as yours?

  • How many ideas came from AI?

  • How many ideas came from you?

  • Is this a new document?

  • If this work was made by you and another person-not AI-would you need to credit this person as a coauthor?

  • What else can you discuss about this comparison and this process?

Submit your notebook#